FGEHA Federal Government Employees Housing Authority has announced take a look at roll an eligible applicant wrote take a look at roll number or check name letter in this web page. All the eligible candidates can download their FGEHA take a look at the roll wide variety slip, take a look at name letter given hyperlink beneath.
FGEHA Federal Government Employees Housing Authority jobs 2021 test Roll no slip, or test name letter could be very critical for the check.
Candidates ought to prepare for the written and screening take a look at earlier than acting in the test. The written take a look at is consists of General Knowledge and problem-related Multiple Choice Questions inclusive of English, Islamiyat, Computer Science, and Chemistry topics. The written check duration is 1 or maybe 2 hours.
These beyond papers will beneficial for the candidates to clean the written take a look at. The written take a look at pattern and composition for FGEHA jobs will be trade. So, for greater updates applicants should get in contact with authentic website lin
Total Marks 100 (MCQs)
English: 20%
Vocabulary, synonym, antonym, Sentence Structure, ( Spelling missing ), or correct sentence.
Pakistan study: 20%
- History of Pakistan
- Presidents and Prime Ministers of Pakistan since 1947.
- General knowledge of Pakistan
- Geography of Pakistan.
- History Of Pakistan (Conditional, Movement (1857)
- Geography of Pakistan ( River + Motorway + Border + Neighbor country)
- Pakistan Constitutional Amendments 1973
- Pakistan General Information MCQs
Current Affairs: 20%
- UNO (Organization) Founded – HQ
- Country Capitals and Currency
- Sea, River
- Current World Leaders
- World Ambassadors to Pakistan
- Current Foreign Ministers
- Geography quiz
- General Knowledge
Islamic & Urdu 20%
- Pillars of Islam
- Battle
- Quran Pak quiz
- Caliphate
- Obligatory
- Islamic Hajri (Calendar)
Post Relented quiz 20%:
sr # | Name of post | No. of posts | Maximum age limit | Minimum qualiflcation/relevant experience |
1 | Security Supervisor (BS- 07) | 08 Posts (2 Merit. 4 Punjab. 1 Sindh. 1 KP) | 30 Years | Matric Second Class |
2 | Driver (BS-05) | 03 Posts (03 Merit) | 30 Years | Middle Pass. Should possess a valid Driving license, preferably LTV license. |
3 | DMO (BS-05) | 03 Posts (Merit) | 30 Years | Matric Pass. Three years experience in the relevant field |
4 | Wireman / Electrician (BS- 04) | 03 Posts (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle with relevant diploma |
5 | Tubewell Operator Valvcman <BS-04) | 05 Posts (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle with relevant diploma |
6 | Plumber (BS-04) | 01 Post (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle with relevant diploma |
7 | Mason (BS-04) | 01 Post (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle with relevant diploma |
8 | Carpenter (BS-04) | 01 Post (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle pass |
9 | Naib Qasid (BS-02) | 39 Post (Merit) | 30-Years | Middle Pass |
10 | Helper (BS-02) | 02 Posts (Merit) | 30-Years | Preferably literate |
11 | Mali (BS-01) | 03 Posts (Merit) | 30 years | Preferably literate |
12 | Security Guard (BS-01) | 58 Posts (Merit) | 30 Years | Preferably literate |

Muhammad Nawaz brings a keen understanding of the employment market to Daily Epaper Jobs. He creates informative content on job openings, test results, and career advice for those pursuing their dream jobs.