As the Provincial Government has announced two (02) years relaxation in upper age limit, all candidates who could not apply for the posts of PMS Officers due to overage may submit their e- applications by 08.03.2021. Those candidates who have already applied against Advertisement No. 04/ 2020, need not apply afresh.
In Continuation of Advertisement No. 04/2020
APPLY ONLINE ONLY in KPPSC . Applications other than online will not be accepted. To apply, visit any Easypaisa / Jazz Cash Agent, a deposit application fee of Rs.1500/- excluding service charges and get Transaction ID (TID) through SMS.
Visit PSC website and apply online by 08.03.2021. Fill all the columns of the application carefully and enter the Transaction ID of application fee got from Easypaisa / Jazz Cash Agent in the appropriate column. Unclaimed qualification, experience etc will not be accepted.
KPPSC Provincial Management Service (PMS) 2021 Express Newspaper 27 February 2021 Jobs apply online.