Government of Baluchistan has announced 256 New Government Jobs in Provincial Head Quarter and Division of Baluchistan and its District in Daily Express Newspaper 07/02/2018. Candidates fulfilling the required Criteria may apply for Agriculture Department Jobs 2018 by sending their application to the office of Agriculture Training Institute A.T.I Saryab Road Quetta before given date and time. Only Baluchistan Domiciled Candidates can apply for these jobs. Interested candidates can apply for following posts. Stenographer, Assistant Computer Operator, Drafts Man, Junior Clerk, Sub Engineer, Photographer, Junior Auditors, Field Assistant, Tracer, Auctions, Tractor Driver, Vehicle Driver, Lab Attendant, Chowkidar, Naib Qasid, Gardener, Levies Soldier, Baildar, Sweeper and Rodman.
Agriculture Department BALUCHISTAN 256 JObs, 07 Feb 2018
Department Name | Agriculture Department Baluchistan |
How much Seats? | 256 |
Domicile Required | Baluchistan |
Age Limit | 18-28 Year |
Qualification | Subject to Job Title |
Jobs announced on | 07th February, 2018 |
Last Date of Apply | 06th March 2018 |
Interview Date | Will Be Announced Soon |
Application Form Download | Click Here |
Newspaper Name | Daily Express Newspaper |
City Name | All Baluchistan Districts |
Province | Baluchistan, Pakistan |

Muhammad Nawaz brings a keen understanding of the employment market to Daily Epaper Jobs. He creates informative content on job openings, test results, and career advice for those pursuing their dream jobs.